This post is about how an average honkey looks like. Its about those everyday people you meet in the sub ways, restaurents, ferries and the promanades of Hong Kong. If you are thinking of an average Honkey, its typically the female species that come to the mind because there are so many of them that they push the male species into minority. For someone coming from a male dominated society full of MCP's( My sister coined the word: Male Chauvenistic Pig), this was quiet a sight. Women working, travelling, holding high posts, cutting men to task and even dominating men. Its used to be a strange experience in the begining. But now its become a routine.
Women you meet here are predominatly Chinese. Except on weekends, three out of five people you brush sides is a Chinese women. On weekends the scenario however changes. I am told the Vietnemes and Phillipino women work here are domestic maids and they get a day off in the weekends. During this time , they meet up with their friends, play cards, talk, give their signature giggles and may be crib about their employers. You cannot miss this set of people on the weekends. They are just every where. On the streets, in the MTR, in the parks, in the promanades, just every where.
Coming back to the main topic of describing the Chinese women, lets assume an imaginary person and call her Ms. Chang. Most of them have a similar name or something that sounds like that to us. Chang should be weighing aroung 45 Kgs with a slim waist and an appealing figure. She is very fair and looks young. She uses all the cosmetics that are advertaised on TV and internet to remain that way. She carries a lot of those little open and shut boxes equipped with mirrors in her big bag to deck up her makeup when ever she gets time. I saw a lot of them doing the same in the Train while travelling. One will never be sure of the correct age of these women. All of them wear the same western outfits, with elan and sashay down the multitude of battery paths and path ways spread all over Hong Kong. In all probability Chang might be working with a multinational firm which requires her to wear an formal attire. She like all her peers chooses black for her formal attire. Three accesories, the Cell phone, ear phones and a big branded bag stand out as standard accessories that she will carry. If however she is a student, she carries one of those PSP's in which she invariably busy playing one of those prick-the-ballon, catch-the-egg games. Spectacles however stand on ever pair of eyes. Flashy brands like "Dolce Gabbana", "Versace" are a common sight and people wear them without inhibition.
Women you meet here are predominatly Chinese. Except on weekends, three out of five people you brush sides is a Chinese women. On weekends the scenario however changes. I am told the Vietnemes and Phillipino women work here are domestic maids and they get a day off in the weekends. During this time , they meet up with their friends, play cards, talk, give their signature giggles and may be crib about their employers. You cannot miss this set of people on the weekends. They are just every where. On the streets, in the MTR, in the parks, in the promanades, just every where.
Coming back to the main topic of describing the Chinese women, lets assume an imaginary person and call her Ms. Chang. Most of them have a similar name or something that sounds like that to us. Chang should be weighing aroung 45 Kgs with a slim waist and an appealing figure. She is very fair and looks young. She uses all the cosmetics that are advertaised on TV and internet to remain that way. She carries a lot of those little open and shut boxes equipped with mirrors in her big bag to deck up her makeup when ever she gets time. I saw a lot of them doing the same in the Train while travelling. One will never be sure of the correct age of these women. All of them wear the same western outfits, with elan and sashay down the multitude of battery paths and path ways spread all over Hong Kong. In all probability Chang might be working with a multinational firm which requires her to wear an formal attire. She like all her peers chooses black for her formal attire. Three accesories, the Cell phone, ear phones and a big branded bag stand out as standard accessories that she will carry. If however she is a student, she carries one of those PSP's in which she invariably busy playing one of those prick-the-ballon, catch-the-egg games. Spectacles however stand on ever pair of eyes. Flashy brands like "Dolce Gabbana", "Versace" are a common sight and people wear them without inhibition.
If you dont describe the hair styles that a lot of these women wear, you are doing a gross injustice because thats something that makes them stand apart. We ae usually used to seeing girls neatly part thier hair in the middle. But no Sir, not Here! They seem to have a unique hair stlye. Students tend to get their hair dangle on the forhead in a neat hair fall and working women hold a more aggressive and face covering style. The photo shows some popular hair styles. If you watch it closely, all of them get the hair turn on their faces. Its a cute hairstyle that makes them look like pretty ice dolls.
On weekends however Chang would like to flash her fashion to the public. Wearing colourful outfits with strange brand names, she is quiet a sight to watch. One brand that caught my attention is "Sister Jolie".It sounded a sort of cool.
Women here are a lot unassuming. They follow instructions, talk in soft voices, fear strangers, get influenced by advertisements in the way advertisers want them to, buy and use all the latest gadgets, try yo speak good english and most of all, smile or rather giggle. All in all Honkeys are a gentle and pleasent set of people who once acquinted are very amiable and friendly.
Love you all Honkeys!