Dear Arvind,

Are you prepared to do all this Arvind? We invested our hope in you and cannot afford to loose it. Every one around the world is watching. From the young Chinese who put up with the PRC because they thought democracy won't deliver development to Egypt and Arabia where people are taking baby steps towards Democracy, are all of us are looking up to you! Don't fail us.
May you have the strength to live up to our expectations!
Let me first offer my heartiest congratulations on your resounding success in Delhi elections. You have proved to the world that money and muscle power can in fact be defeated. You fired the imagination of 1 billion people and proved wrong all those critics of democracy who said no leader worth his salt can ever be selected through elections(Hitler said that in his book). You are the Obama moment for India and the hope of the middle class society who watched haplessly when the main stream politicians brazenly plundered public wealth without fear or compunction.

At this moment, when you are about to take oath as
the Chief Minister of Delhi, I wish to draw your attention towards three figures from history. They are perfect examples of how you ought not to be once you start functioning. To begin with, question your self if you are Abhimanyu, the son of Arjuna in Mahabharata who knew how to enter the Chakra Vyuh but didn't know how to come out of it. You entered the arena of politics alright. But be sure you don't perish in the battlefield; for the Congress are the Kauravs of modern India. I say this because we heard your dreams, but we don't know of a concrete plan that you are going to follow to achieve these dreams. Just as you made your campaign transparent, make your plan transparent so that, if need be, we will throw in a spanner or two for help in case Kauravas obstruct you!
the Chief Minister of Delhi, I wish to draw your attention towards three figures from history. They are perfect examples of how you ought not to be once you start functioning. To begin with, question your self if you are Abhimanyu, the son of Arjuna in Mahabharata who knew how to enter the Chakra Vyuh but didn't know how to come out of it. You entered the arena of politics alright. But be sure you don't perish in the battlefield; for the Congress are the Kauravs of modern India. I say this because we heard your dreams, but we don't know of a concrete plan that you are going to follow to achieve these dreams. Just as you made your campaign transparent, make your plan transparent so that, if need be, we will throw in a spanner or two for help in case Kauravas obstruct you!

Next, be sure the light you have kindled so skillfully doesn't perish for nothing. Don't become the modern day Lenin. Lenin too was a man who came very close to realising the ideal. He demonstrated to the world that the chimerical world of Karl Marx can in fact be realised. He put in practice ideas of Marx and Russia took giant steps towards progress and social justice under his leadership. But after him, just when his plans were about to take fruit, his followers fought for power and finally it ended with Stalin emerging as a dictator. The point is to make sure that the ideals for which you stood up are understood by your team and not floundered after the spur of the moment and that the moment you created will be carried over.

Finally, let the AAP not become the Assam Gana Parishat of Delhi. How proud were we of Praffula Kumar Mohanta and his friends, all of 30 years filled with fiery passion and ideals courageously denounced ULFA, promised peace and development and defeated the political bigwigs and came to claim power at the swearing ceremony in Guwahati that day! How the whole of Assam turned out in their best attire to watch their beloved son take oath; only to be let down horribly when he and his friends bickered openly for portfolios during swearing ceremony! Remember, power corrupts human beings. Be sure you and your team is aware of all these and raise above the mundane. You need to lead a saintly life if you are going to take the fight to the end.
Are you prepared to do all this Arvind? We invested our hope in you and cannot afford to loose it. Every one around the world is watching. From the young Chinese who put up with the PRC because they thought democracy won't deliver development to Egypt and Arabia where people are taking baby steps towards Democracy, are all of us are looking up to you! Don't fail us.
May you have the strength to live up to our expectations!