SNAP test 2008

Three things stand out in this years SNAP test. One, the snap test was a bit tougher compared to the last year. Two, unlike previous years, this year people could carry the question paper home and three, the paper had 2 mark questions in all the sections.
I felt the paper is a bit tougher this time and was not that an easy ride. There were plenty of easy questions all over the paper and people who use the scanning technique will be amply rewarded. In all the sections there were tough problems, clever questions and some no-brainers. Lets analyze the paper section wise.
First the general English section. Keeping in line with the current trend of Management exams, the SNAP too emphasised more on practical English usage than on conventional reading comprehension-para jumble-fill- in-the-blank type questions. The English section appeared simple but had a lot of tricky stuff. People who didn't pay much attention could have lost a lot of marks here. There were 3 RC's, two of them simple and the other short one a bit complex. One passage, the one about subsidy-pollution and nano car was quite hilarious and I enjoyed reading it. There were some match-the-following questions that should have irritated the exam takers. But there were lot of easy questions carefully hidden that had to be hunted. Some silly questions like "which of the following are spelt wrong?" were irksome. All in all I would rate this section on the tougher side.
The second section was the Analytical and LR section. That too had some no-brainers, some irritants and some easy ones. This section had some problems on arrangements, some number systems based questions and some logical reasoning questions. Like the other sections, this too was fairly difficult and one had to be cautious while answering.
The GK section was all current affairs and troubled me a lot. Since all the questions were difficult to me, I thought it was a difficult section. Maybe those studs who have a habit of reading news papers daily would have found it easy. I am certainly not one among them!
The quant/DI/DS section again had a lot of easy questions carefully interspersed between tough questions. Some of the questions like the capacitors-signal devices-picture tubes questions were silly and should have been attempted at all costs. The graphs and diagrams were not clearly printed. Thought they were legible, I had difficulty reading the numbers. This section overall was a bit easier. Seasoned campaigners could have easily cracked the entire set of questions in this set.
Another unique point in this exam was that students were asked to mark their answers with pen. So, they I couldn't go back on the marked answers. The only consolation was that, you could avoid negative marking by darkening two ovals. In that case, the question would not be evaluated. According to my expectation, the cutoff would be any where around 80-85 this time.
