Billionaires want to leave India

Man! I love this paper and its headlines. It never fails to stun me with its capacity to bullshit people. I saw this article about Indian Billionaires wanting to shift base. The only reaction from my side would be “Get lost! Faster if you can help”. It seems some gentlemen, apparently rich are sick and tired of the changing rules and regulations in India and they are planning to shift base to some foreign location with a more planned and stable regulatory setting. WoW!
Did someone force there gentlemen to stay and bless our country with their enormous economic clout and extraordinary intellect? Did the country derive any unusual or overreaching benefits in lieu of them? Or was it the other way round? More importantly, will they be able to do what they did in other places? The people I am referring to are Messers Ruias, Munjals, Mittals et al. One of them was incriminated in the 2G scam and others have made their fortunes because of the very regulations that they are crying about. If there a more subtle way of putting this, please let me know. But to my mind this looks to be a plain swindle and scoot operation. Anyone listening?
